Wednesday, August 17, 2016

First Day of School

Margaret had an OK first day of school. By OK I mean she slept for a total of 45 minutes. Surprisingly, she was playful when I picked her up and stayed awake until bedtime around 7pm. 

 My family thinks it's funny that I call it "school." I will continue to defend it's name, and yes, she is going to school! The name gives it away, Eastminster Day School. She has several teachers, one full time and two part time with a floater teacher depending on the day. The classroom is very welcoming and each morning thus far, the other babies are bright eyed and ready for the day. I know each baby by name and their parents which makes it more fun for us.

I believe she is either the 2nd or 3rd oldest child in the classroom, so most of the other babies need a little more attention than Margaret. I am thankful for this new journey and all the knowledge she will gain over the next year and years to come.

First Day!
Went to bed early after the first day
2nd day, breakfast before school

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