Friday, August 26, 2016

Second week of school

I think Margaret is enjoying her class and classmates. Margaret has been happy as a clam the last few afternoons when I have picked her up. I'm sure she has had her moments during the day, but it makes me smile knowing she is happy at least some of the day. I love calling her name when I walk in, her head immediately pops up and a big grin with four little teeth (soon to be six) face me head on!

The teachers told me she is having a hard time falling asleep for her morning nap. She's "to busy" they say, "watching the other children." I wonder if she is going to have a fear of missing out? Still makes me laugh just a bit to know she's busy watching the world turn and doesn't have time to sleep.

She's been a joy in the evenings, but bed time continues to creep a little earlier each night.

So thankful for the pictures below of her playing at school. She even made the weekly newsletter!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

First Day of School

Margaret had an OK first day of school. By OK I mean she slept for a total of 45 minutes. Surprisingly, she was playful when I picked her up and stayed awake until bedtime around 7pm. 

 My family thinks it's funny that I call it "school." I will continue to defend it's name, and yes, she is going to school! The name gives it away, Eastminster Day School. She has several teachers, one full time and two part time with a floater teacher depending on the day. The classroom is very welcoming and each morning thus far, the other babies are bright eyed and ready for the day. I know each baby by name and their parents which makes it more fun for us.

I believe she is either the 2nd or 3rd oldest child in the classroom, so most of the other babies need a little more attention than Margaret. I am thankful for this new journey and all the knowledge she will gain over the next year and years to come.

First Day!
Went to bed early after the first day
2nd day, breakfast before school

Lake Weekend

This past weekend we went to Mooresville to visit family and enjoy time on the lake, as summer begins to wind down.  I always enjoy going home, staying at my parents house and having Mama's cooking. Friday night we enjoyed my favorite take out place, Pie in the Sky Pizza, and Saturday we enjoyed breakfast at Corrine's. We spent the day on the lake relaxing in the shade, kayaking and visiting with family. Saturday evening we hosted extended family for a BBQ dinner and enjoyed lots of laughs. Thankful for another great weekend with family and friends!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Eight Months!

The eighth month is here. I sigh, I shed a little tear, the teenie stage is behind us. Margaret is getting close to her first birthday. Eight is just a number I tell myself, it's true, but she is aging oh so quickly.

Her hand eye coordination is getting better and better each day. She is grasping food and toys, and putting objects straight to her mouth. I chuckle when I see her try new foods for the first time. She has no idea I just stare at her. She is in her own little world.

My favorite time is right before she falls asleep at night. She is so tired by around 6:45,  she cries endlessly after her bath waiting for her bottle. She pulls the bottle towards her, holds it and guzzles the milk. After she is finished her hands fall to her side, and she is out.

At eight months she loves:
all types of foods (especially avocados, bananas and anything with fruit)
chewing on books
holding books while I read to her
tries to turn the pages in the books
to be held, all the time
loves when I sing to her
feeding herself
watching other children
giggles when I tickle her
loves playing with kitchen spoons and tupperware

She is starting to say "baaaa" "maaaa" and giggles when she does. She loves doggies and makes the most hilarious sound when she sees one.

Her eight month pictures below are a true testament to her bubbly, yet possibly defiant personality.

I placed the 8th month sticker on her rocking chair, she immediately turned her head to remove it, and as I took it from her, she immediately begin to cry.

Her precious outfit is from our friends Jill and Kyle. I just adore it.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

School is a coming'

It feels so odd this morning being here alone in our house. Margaret has been away with my parents for the weekend, and I for once, got so much organizing and shopping done yesterday! It was a wonderful "day off," but I'm terribly missing my daughter.

Margaret has one week before "school" starts, and I can't wait for her to meet many new friends and enjoy a structured learning and development program EDS offers. The last two weeks have been hectic, as our nanny left us early, but thanks to Polly and Ejoye, Margaret was in great hands during this transition.

My Mom mentioned to me the other day when we were talking, "Have you thought about Margaret's First Birthday Party?!" My answer was a very direct, "NO, Mame!" I'm not going to think about that until November 30th! The thought of Margaret getting older and older truly makes me sad. This age melts my heart.

The older she gets the less she is napping. She has a good solid nap in the morning (about an hour) and a good solid nap in the afternoon (maybe an hour and a half), however, I am thankful the nights stretch to about 12 hours of solid sleep. The transition out of the Merlin sleep suit was a little challenging for a few days, but now all she wants is her lovey and the crib.

Charlie and I have enjoyed our first summer with Margaret. We've enjoyed time at the beach, lake, boating, walks, cookout with friends, pool dates, and rocking our baby on the front porch. It's crazy to think it's already August, and children will be back at school in just a week or two. But we are excited about the next four months before we have a one year old!