Monday, August 15, 2016

Eight Months!

The eighth month is here. I sigh, I shed a little tear, the teenie stage is behind us. Margaret is getting close to her first birthday. Eight is just a number I tell myself, it's true, but she is aging oh so quickly.

Her hand eye coordination is getting better and better each day. She is grasping food and toys, and putting objects straight to her mouth. I chuckle when I see her try new foods for the first time. She has no idea I just stare at her. She is in her own little world.

My favorite time is right before she falls asleep at night. She is so tired by around 6:45,  she cries endlessly after her bath waiting for her bottle. She pulls the bottle towards her, holds it and guzzles the milk. After she is finished her hands fall to her side, and she is out.

At eight months she loves:
all types of foods (especially avocados, bananas and anything with fruit)
chewing on books
holding books while I read to her
tries to turn the pages in the books
to be held, all the time
loves when I sing to her
feeding herself
watching other children
giggles when I tickle her
loves playing with kitchen spoons and tupperware

She is starting to say "baaaa" "maaaa" and giggles when she does. She loves doggies and makes the most hilarious sound when she sees one.

Her eight month pictures below are a true testament to her bubbly, yet possibly defiant personality.

I placed the 8th month sticker on her rocking chair, she immediately turned her head to remove it, and as I took it from her, she immediately begin to cry.

Her precious outfit is from our friends Jill and Kyle. I just adore it.

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