Monday, July 6, 2015

Just a good ol' fourth

I love a loonnnng weekend, especially a Friday off, when I can wake up a little later than normal (7ish), just in time to watch the TODAY show and enjoy a great cup of joe followed by a not timed devotion. This past Friday morning was just that. I also enjoyed a good work out at 9am instead of at 5:30am, things look quite different in the gym when its day light outside.

Charlie and I went to Lake Norman for the fourth to celebrate with my family. The weather was a little iffy all weekend, but we enjoyed a few hours of boating and relaxing. I always enjoy waking up at home sitting around the kitchen breakfast table with my parents over a good cup of Joe. My Dad and I are the early risers, and usually have a good hour conversation started before anyone else gets up. Its quite a treat.

Below are a few photos from the weekend. My parents are lucky, their neighbors at the lake put on the most spectacular fireworks show you could ask for.


Stadium seating to watch the fireworks

18 weeks!

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