Monday, September 1, 2014

My friend, Summer

Most of you who read this have not met my friend Summer. She is ten, and she and I met several years ago through Big Brothers Big Sisters. When she and I first met, she was six and so very shy. Summer barely spoke when I would ask her a question, and often shied away when I would smile at her. (Not the case today - as she is 100 miles an hour ALL the time!) After a year of being my friend, Summer and her Mom moved away. I was devastated, and quite frankly I was a little upset with myself for getting so attached. They moved to a rural town outside of Columbia about 45 minutes away, as I made the drive several times to visit, I could not commit to continue being her "big" because the drive there and back was just too far.  So we separated ways several years ago, but not a day goes by that I do not think of her.

Recently, on a Tuesday afternoon, I left my office for lunch to run errands (as I usually never have time for personal errands during lunch). As I was driving through downtown, I saw a precious little girl and her mother walking on the side of the road to catch the bus. Lo and behold I noticed it was Summer and her Mom. I could not stop the car fast enough to keep them from getting on the bus. When they realized it was crazy me flagging them down, I pulled over into a parking lot and literally almost cried.

They moved back to Columbia nearly a year ago and between our last visit together we both had changed cell phone numbers. Donna, Summer's Mother, told me she had tried several times to call me, and even contacted BBBS to get my number (no luck). Months of thinking and praying for them, I call it divine intervention that we "ran" into each other on the side of the road. 

After exchanging numbers, I called the next day to set up a time for us to get together. My Mama, as she is way too generous, helped get Summer ready for school! Pics below of our day together shopping and having fun! Thank you Barb girl for ALL the help!!

Summer & Mel Selfie
She's ready for school!!

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